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Storage and Encryption


CoinLiquidator uses Docker volumes to store your data locally on your computer. This approach offers several benefits:

  • Data persists between container updates
  • Easy backup management
  • Survives container restarts
  • Keeps settings after updates

Think of Docker volumes as a dedicated storage space that stays intact even when you update or restart CoinLiquidator.

How It Works

  1. During the installation process of CoinLiquidator you are expected to setup a Docker volume
  2. This volume stores your:
    • Wallet data
    • Bot data
  3. During updates:
    Old Container → Update → New Container
    ↓ ↓
    Shared Volume → Preserved Data


Even though CoinLiquidator runs locally, we take extra steps to protect your sensitive data:

  • Private keys are encrypted before storage
  • Uses industry-standard encryption
  • Requires your encryption passphrase to decrypt
  • Additional layer of security beyond local storage
Security Note

Your private key is never stored in plain text, even though it's on your local machine.

How Encryption Works

  1. You provide an encryption passphrase during setup
  2. Sensitive data (like private keys) is encrypted before storage
  3. Data is only decrypted when needed

Keep your encryption passphrase safe! Without it, you won't be able to access your encrypted data after a container restart.

Best Practices

  1. Storage:

    • Regular backups recommended
    • Don't modify volume contents manually
  2. Encryption:

    • Use a strong encryption passphrase
    • Store passphrase securely
    • Don't reuse passphrases from other services

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